Automation of conveyor roller monitoring could not be easier with wireless 24/7 conveyor roller reporting and an easy-to-use system.
When a conveyor roller bearing fails, a roller can overheat, seize or collapse. A failed roller can result in a safety hazard and serious damage to other parts of the conveyor, knowing when this is about to take place can preempt a significant safety hazard and save time and money.
Conveyor idler failure is the leading cause of belt damage and hazardous heating. Globally, idler failure is the primary ignition source in underground coalmine fires. This problem could be eliminated by conveyor monitoring automation Smart-Idler® technology. This technology improves productivity and personnel safety, while reducing downtime and excessive roller expenditure.
Smart-Idler® automates the roller management process by eliminating manual monitoring of conveyors and pre-empting roller faults before they occur.

Have you protected your conveyor belt yet?
The most costly component in the conveyor system is a belt.
Without proper belt conveyor monitoring, seized rollers can fail, producing the ‘potato peeler’ and ‘pizza cutter’ effects, cutting through the bottom cover and can heat up and cause fires as they grind to a halt. Watch for idlers that have come out of the frame, as they can damage and injure. Build-up of carry back on idlers will cause belt cover damage and can cause belt tracking. Spillage increases idler drag and energy consumption and is a cause of belt tracking. Idlers that are buried in spillage will fail early as the bearing seals are penetrated, as a result the shell of failed rollers can get worn out and cut the belt.
Conveyor automation by Smart-Idler®:
- Avoid delays & increased maintenance
- Improve personnel safety by limiting exposure – Quantifiable hazard exposure reduction.
Understand where your roller problems are
Which roller is causing the problem?
Rollers must be inspected whilst still rolling!! This is dangerous! And how will you get to the conveyor shuttle while operating?
A Common Scenario Example:
On key conveyors often batches or ‘zones’ of rollers are replaced all at the same time, when the fact is that only a handful of rollers actually require replacement.
Unnecessary number of rollers are replaced due to the FEAR of future failure events that stop production.
Adding a cost of unnecessary changed rollers and additional manual handling tasks for maintenance personnel exposed to associated injuries.

THERE IS A BETTER WAY with conveyor automation by Smart-idler®
Plan your maintenance in advance accessing the data generated by Smart rollers, and change only the rollers with predicted failure. Your personnel will not waste a valuable time by walking along the operating conveyor, jeopardising their safety, and looking for roller failures. Follow the Smart roller’s data insights and head directly to failed or deteriorating rollers.

Regular catastrophic roller incidents happen globally!
Is your operation at risk?
Smart-Idler® Return on Investment (ROI) is that you mitigate the risk of catastrophic roller failure. Along with saving you labour $ and Downtime $, you can be rest assured that your ‘hidden risk’ is mitigated.
What is your annualised cost of carrying this unmitigated risk?
- Access the Smart-Idler® Data, streamed direct from your conveyor to your fingertips
- Integrate with 3rd Party Systems / Software / Equipment on site
- Better manage the deployment of your maintenance resources
- Replace only the conveyor rollers that have the detected issues